We have extensive experience providing advice on labor issues related to the incorporation of a company in Peru and the hiring of national and foreign personnel, in its different modalities and working conditions; as well as on the payment of remuneration and social benefits, review of labor policies, among other related matters.

Likewise, our practice covers labor litigation regarding compensation for arbitrary dismissal, compensation for damages, payment of labor benefits, collective bargaining, and, in general, any legal dispute that may arise within the framework of a labor relationship.

Our legal advice covers diverse matters such as:


Preventive labor planning and identification of labor contingencies to avoid future conflicts.


Management, analysis and application of labor contracting mechanisms, whether direct or indirect (intermediation and labor outsourcing), temporary or indeterminate.


Management of human capital projects and their compliance with current labor legislation.


Design, implementation and adaptation of labor policies, both global and national, as well as internal regulations.


Harmonization of international labor practices with national regulations in force.


Management, handling and formalization of labor terminations.


Advice, management and follow-up of administrative procedures of all kinds, before the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion, SUNAFIL and EsSalud.


Advice, handling and management of collective bargaining and labor union negotiations. • $ • Migratory aspects of all kinds.


Migratory aspects of all kinds.


Labor proceedings of all kinds under the old and new labor procedural law.


Training and implementation of policies to prevent and sanction sexual harassment in the workplace.