Our team has solid experience advising various companies in their relations with consumers, both at a preventive level in compliance with Consumer Protection regulations, as well as at a contentious level before INDECOPI.


Terms and Conditions for the provision of a service: Analysis and preparation of documentation of terms and conditions in accordance with Consumer Protection regulations.


Commercial promotions: We advise and analyze commercial promotions so that they comply with providing clear and appropriate information, within the provisions of the Code of Consumer Protection and Defense, we review and prepare the legal materials that must comply with commercial promotions, and sales promotions of products or services.


Contracts with consumers and distributors and documents that consumers will receive: we advise, prepare and review contracts, agreements, and documents (such as warranties, terms and conditions, advertising material, contracts) that will be delivered to end consumers, including the legal consequences to avoid and reduce contingencies according to the Consumer Protection Code.


Complaints Book: Assistance in the implementation and development of the Complaints Book in accordance with current regulations, both virtual and physical. We advise and provide support in answering claims in the consumer protection claims book, advice and analysis of the information that must be included and how to deal with it, registration in SIREC (claims registration system).


Assistance in the prosecution of consumer protection lawsuits: includes defense in lawsuits filed against companies for infringements or consumer claims based on the Consumer Protection Code.


Product Labeling: Advice, assistance and review of information that must be included in the labeling of manufactured products (food, household appliances, cosmetics, cleaning, tires, beverages, electronics, toys, medicines, etc.), in accordance with the law on labeling, advertising and consumer protection.


Assistance in negotiations and conciliations: Support in the assistance and preparation of negotiation and conciliation documents with consumers in the stages prior to the initiation of administrative proceedings in INDECOPI, or during the same.


Training on the Consumer Protection Code: We provide support and training to companies for the development of policies that comply with the Consumer Protection Code, understanding of the Consumer Protection Code and legislation. We prepare manuals and guides designed according to the services and/or products provided by the company in a personalized way.