Customs and International Trade

Customs and International Trade


We provide our clients with first-level legal advice on local customs and international trade matters aimed at analyzing the impact of our clients’ international transactions and the terms and conditions agreed upon in these transactions, in the Peruvian customs legislation, and the international treaties entered into by Peru.

We work in coordination with customs agents and other international trade operators, as well as with sectorial entities involved in our clients’ operations to avoid customs contingencies and clearance incidents.

Our practice covers diverse matters such as:


General consulting


Representation in administrative procedures before the Customs Administration and the Tax Court


Assistance in customs audits


Customs authorizations of international trade operators


Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Certification


Information Module on Foreign Trade Logistics Services (MISLO)


Application of Tariff Preferences (FTAs)


Tariff classification


Customs valuation


Import of industrial projects or plants


Diagnosis and implementation of drawback


Special treatment areas (ZOFRATACNA, ZED, Amazon)


Information Exchange Module (MIIO)


Identification of applicable customs regimes

Key contacts