Our mining team has extensive experience in this industry advising domestic and foreign companies. The following is a brief description of our advisory services:
Our mining team has extensive experience in this industry advising domestic and foreign companies. The following is a brief description of our advisory services:
Our Asset Management practice has a team of professionals specialized in the structuring of mutual funds and investment funds, with knowledge of the market and the necessary understanding to promote investment in the different types of funds in the local and international market.
We devise the best strategies for our clients to offer their private equity, venture capital, fixed income or equity investment funds to different types of Peruvian investors, playing an intermediary role during the placement process. We know the managers that administer investment funds and we offer the best alternatives for their incorporation and licensing process before the corresponding authorities.
We provide comprehensive advice to institutional investors, management companies, and professional managers, among others, in all areas of business law related to the structuring, development, and tax and regulatory analysis of private equity and investment funds. In addition, our team has the support of other areas: Corporate and M&A, Banking and Finance to provide clients with a complete service.
We establish and develop the best strategy to defend our clients’ interests.
Our three litigation teams have extensive experience in complex and high profile matters involving competition, financial instruments, real estate, construction, trademarks, breach of contract, collections, debt recovery, government contracts, investment projects, among others.
Our services involve advising various national and international companies in investment arbitrations and national and international commercial arbitrations, considering that the fundamental aspect of an arbitration, after having defined the controversy, is to correctly designate the arbitrator.
We also have extensive experience in commercial, constitutional, civil and administrative litigation, four ways to resolve business or individual disputes before the Judiciary.
Therefore, our legal advice covers various matters such as:
We have extensive experience advising domestic and foreign clients in the analysis of commercial strategies and operations to ensure that they comply with the legal framework in force and to prevent them from engaging in practices that may be considered restrictive of competition and, therefore, subject to be denounced in Indecopi or Osiptel, as the case may be.
We also specialize in merger control, leniency proceedings, antitrust compliance programs, advice on strategy and procedures in cases of dawn raids, dumping, and advice on administrative complaint procedures and sanctioning proceedings.
In particular, we advise on the evaluation of commercial strategies such as the incorporation of exclusivity agreements, commercial incentives granted to companies, setting sales goals, and competition conditions in vertical and horizontal relationships, among others.
Not only do we know the legislation applicable, but we also know the industry in depth. Proof of this are the various transactions in which we have participated. From advice on commercial aviation matters, regulatory matters, aircraft acquisition, financing and leasing to advice on consumer protection, intellectual property, and labor matters applied to the sector, among others.
Our advice includes the following aspects:
We also have extensive experience in dumping, subsidies, and non-tariff trade barriers, including advice on import and export trade operations in order to prevent market distortions that may be sanctioned by Indecopi. We also provide advice on the filing of complaints about dumping and subsidies and defense in investigation procedures initiated by the authority for the imposition of trade defense measures, sunset reviews and/or change of circumstances, in addition to procedures to denounce non-tariff trade barriers.
In the field of unfair competition, our advice includes the analysis of possible transgressions to the principles and practices of trade and industry that may be generated as a consequence of certain commercial operations or behaviors of economic agents, as well as the defense in the framework of the procedures initiated by Indecopi.”
We have extensive experience providing advice on labor issues related to the incorporation of a company in Peru and the hiring of national and foreign personnel, in its different modalities and working conditions; as well as on the payment of remuneration and social benefits, review of labor policies, among other related matters.
Likewise, our practice covers labor litigation regarding compensation for arbitrary dismissal, compensation for damages, payment of labor benefits, collective bargaining, and, in general, any legal dispute that may arise within the framework of a labor relationship.
Our legal advice covers diverse matters such as: