Since its creation, the Firm has provided pro bono advisory services to local and international religious, cultural, charitable, sports, and non-profit organizations to collaborate with the common good of our society.

Such advisory service is rendered by our team of lawyers, with the same dedication, confidentiality, professionalism, and high ethical standards, with which they handle the matters entrusted to the Firm by its clients.

Our commitment and sense of solidarity are permanent and deeply ingrained in the firm’s operation.

In this category, some of the institutions that we legally represent are as follows:


Asociación Civil Religiosa Diospi Suyana (Hospital Diospi Suyana)


Asociación Civil Patronato Amigos Del Ballet Municipal


Ciudad Saludable


Colegios Fe y Alegría


Compañía de Jesús


Fundación Descalzos del Rímac


Hermanas Carmelitas Descalzas (Congregación Carmelitas Misioneras)


Orden de Los Carmelitas en el Perú


Jesuitas del Perú (Oficina de Desarrollo Procura)


World Monuments Fund Perú